It's homecoming week at Flandreau

Chosen King and Queen are Micah and Heidi


Flandreau High School is celebrating Homecoming this week, September 8-13. Continuing on with the Olympics, the theme is “Go for Gold.”

Coronation was held Monday evening with Heidi Bonilla and Micah Otto crowned to reign over the week's festivities.
High School dress up days are as follows: Mon- day was Pajama Day, Tuesday was Jersey Day, Wednesday, Patriotic Day, Thursday is Through the Years Day and Friday is Spirit Day to dress in purple and gold.

The Powder Puff Football was held Sunday, September 8.
Little Orpheum skits and coronation took place Monday with photos of the royalty crowned in next week’s paper.
The week concludes with the Homecoming Parade on Friday, September 13 be- ginning at 1 p.m. from the high school and then the Pep Rally will follow im- mediately in the FHS gym.
The Flier Booster Club is inviting anyone to participate in the parade. Deck your Ride in Purple and Gold using the Go for the Gold theme. All deck your ride entries will receive a Flier yard sign. Contact Sandy Sheppard to enter: 605-530-1899 or sshep-
The Fliers host Sisseton that evening. Prior to the game the Flier Booster Club is hosting a Tailgate Party also on the practice field. There will be food, Flier apparel and signs for sale, raffles and another chance to renew or sign up for a Flier Booster Club membership.
After the game has concluded, a Homecoming dance for the high school students will be held in the High School cafeteria.