Hitting pause on a new Egan Bridge


The decision to move forward with the replacement of an historic bridge in Egan is for now, on hold.
Concerns were raised at the most recent Egan City Council Meeting that no one knew about any plans for a replacement, despite formal Council paperwork filed on the matter last June and plans for the Bridge Improvement Grant and/or Local Federal Bridge Programs application listed on the agenda with the engineering firm IMEG this past July.
A few there to speak on the matter want more time and discussion on what the future of the bridge should be given how closely the town is perhaps tied to it.

Concerned residents and at least one neighboring property owner also felt that a replacement should not happen given the bridge is listed on the National Park Service’s National Register of Historic Places.
The bridge is one that many know well, it’s the beautiful old one-lane that crosses the Big Sioux River east of town off of 2nd Street, countless family and senior photo sessions have been taken there over the years while locals routinely walk, bike, and cruise the quiet, serene route along the river.
More on the bridge itself, how plans to replace it came about, and what the options might otherwise be for the future of the aging structure if a fully-funded replacement is declined, in an upcoming edition.
Representatives from IMEG currently plan to be at the March 20th council meeting to help city officials address questions, concerns, and next steps.