Sodbusters 4-H Club

Posted 3/21/23


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Sodbusters 4-H Club


4-H Sodbuster
January Meeting Minutes
The regular 4-H Sodbuster meeting was held on March 12, 2023 with 20 members present. Vice President Lexi Scherff called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ariyanna Schloe and Jackson Eggers led the 4-H Pledge. The roll call topic was “What’s your favorite season?” Maddison Bacon read the minutes from the previous meeting. Katie Scherff motioned to approve the minutes as read and Logan Carlson seconded the motion. The treasurer’s report was given by Cooper Bacon. Chase Klein motioned to approve the Treasurer’s report as read and Sydney Carlson seconded the motion. A thank you note from the Storehouse was read to the club members for their donations.
Old Business: Thank you to the Bacon family for hosting the February Fun Day at Pinz. Cooper Bacon gave a report to the club on this fun winter activity. 4-H fruit sales have wrapped up. Thank you to Melissa Carlson for tallying the fruit sales for our club. Melissa gave a report to the club on our total sales. Maddison Bacon gave a report on the fruit sales process. The 4-H fruit will be delivered to the Moody County Highway building on Saturday, March 25 at 8:00 A.M. We need to provide 2 adults to help unload the truck and sort the club’s fruit at 7:45 A.M. Renae Klein will be able to help on the 25th. Other parents are checking their schedules and will keep Renae posted. Club members can pick up their fruit from 8:45-9:30 A.M. If you are not able to pick up your fruit, please arrange for someone to pick it up for you. 4-H camp registration opens on April 12. Camp counselor applications are due to Katherine Jaeger by March 31.

New Business: Be sure to read the newsletter each month from Jen for all the latest information in Moody County 4-H. The 2023 Moody Country Fair theme this year is “Summer Days & Country Ways”
The next meeting is April 16, 2023 at 4:00 in the Sonshine room. Jackson Eggers motioned to adjourn the meeting and Sydney Carlson seconded the motion.
Following the meeting club members also made an Easter project for the local nursing home residents. Thank you to the Terryn & Korbin Klein Family for hosting the meeting and bringing supplies for the Easter project.
Submitted by:
Maddison Bacon, Secretary