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To Be Determined:
Flandreau School year end date
Kayla Charles
The Flandreau school calendar was the hot topic when the school board met two weeks ago.
The district has now accumulated 13 days of school cancellations over the winter months. This is a combination of days closed due to the weather and two days off for the State A Girls basketball tournament.
There was lots of discussion heard that evening of extending the school day by 30 minutes, although no action was taken in that direction.
The final decision of how and if the days will be made up will come during April’s meeting. Superintendent Rick Weber hopes by then the district is done accruing snow days. It should be noted the district is still currently ahead of its state mandated instructional hours.
Community Member Rachel Chamblin was also heard during public comments. Chamblin asked questions regarding how the decision to call school off is made. She asked if the reason for calling school off for the State A basketball tournament was a concern of missing staff or students.
Superintendent Weber answered her questions. Weber stated the reason for calling off school for the State A tournament was due to the amount of staff requesting the day off. As for weather, the school board leaves the decision up to him. Chamblin brought up the subject of the school’s Spring Break schedule. Chamblin knew that in previous years the break was split between three weekends. This allowed for one of each day to be held during the Wrestling and Boys/Girls basketball state tournaments. Weber explained that had changed when an advisory board was formed. The Board consists of teachers, school board members, and administrative staff members. This advisory board meets and then brings their suggested schedule to the board for approval.
The board also heard updates about parent teacher conferences and the kindergarten screening held. The numbers were normal for the parent teacher conferences with the middle and high school reporting a 65% turnout and the elementary school 85%.
The kindergarten screening turnout was down with only 41 students participating. That number includes seven students from the colony and three under the kindergarten age.
The resignation of Brooke Pearson, Elementary Physical Education and Head Girls and Boys Golf coach at the end of the school year was accepted, as well as the hire of Elementary evening custodian Julia Griffin. Griffin was currently a member of the Elementary kitchen staff.
There will be no school board election this year as only two petitions were returned for the two open positions. Tom Stenger will remain in his position and Morgan Kotnz will replace Kelly Kontz.
The fate of the school year may not yet be decided but Summer School is ready to start once it is. The pay for the staff will remain the same as last year with paraprofessionals receiving $20 per hour, $30 for teachers, and $40 for Summer School Director Kristi Fischer. The board will meet again in normal session on April 10th at 6pm in the Elementary Commons.