Flandreau Santee Sioux donate to school’s Angel Fund, supporting many families in need

Pays all overdue lunch accounts


In addition to covering meal costs for all their member children currently enrolled in the Flandreau Public School District, the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe made a $2,600 donation last week to the school’s Angel Fund. This fund helps cover negative balances in the school lunch program.
“It is our policy to cover the meal expenses incurred by all our children at the Flandreau Public School District, and upon hearing that there were more families experiencing hardships, we were eager to assist,” said tribal spokesman Francis Wakeman.
“Last academic year, on behalf of our members, we provided the school district with more than $25,000.”
Wakeman also encouraged FSST member families to complete the Free and Reduced Meal Application available on both the tribe’s and the Flandreau Public School’s websites. He added that if any member families are denied, they should submit those letters to the tribal education department to ensure their child is added to the list.